
Business ideas for a small village

Business ideas for a small village, And get the profit in millions. W hen we keep the village and business together, the first thing comes to our mind that if the business was successful in the village, why would people leave the village and go to the city...? S uch things could have been supported in earlier times but in the changing times, doing business in the village is not a deal of losses. Many times it has happened that people opened a small shop in the village and later did not benefit from it, then frustrated and turned towards the city and got engaged in any job. But now you can establish your business in the village with the help of modern medium and earn profit from it. Here we will tell you about some business ideas that by which you can spend time in your village and earn good money. Banana farming business In the village, good earning can be done through farming. Most farmers in India do traditional farming right now. Paddy, wheat, pulses and ...

Poultry can earn millions from millions of businesses

Poultry can earn millions from millions of businesses

Poultry business is a business that can become an additional source of your income. Starting at a very low cost, this business can give millions of profits. It requires more experience and hard work than academic ability and capital. Unemployment is the biggest problem in today's time. In this way, young poultry can make the medium of employment.
If you have the ability to think differently from others, you can earn crores of profits from poultry business too. Poultry business is a business that can earn a profit of millions - crores rupees by starting at a very low cost. The example of B. Saudarajanan and GB Sundarajan of Suguna Poultry is in front of everyone. He started very small poultry business and saw that his poultry business turned into 4200 crore company. And then and this company gave 18 thousand farmers a better income opportunity too. The beginning of poultry in India was mainly from the 1960s. Poultry business has taken the form of industry in the last three decades.

Poultry farming comes under the Animal Husbandry Department, which aims to promote meat and eggs in the food grains. Nearly 90 lakh people of India are associated with poultry business and it contributes 70 thousand crores of gross domestic product every year.
Poultry business is a major part of the growing agricultural sector with an annual average rate of 8 to 10 percent in India. As a result, India is now the world's third largest egg producer (after China and USA) and the 5th largest producer of kebab chicken meat (after USA, China, Brazil and Mexico). In the gross national product of the poultry sector, about 33,000 crore rupees And in the next five years, about Rs 60000 crore There is a possibility to reach. With a turnover of more than Rs. 352 billion, this sector provides employment to more than 3 million people in the country and there is wide scope for generating employment opportunities.

In spite of the magnificent development in the poultry business area in the last four decades, there is a huge difference in availability and demand of poultry products. Presently 46 eggs is available against the demand of 180 eggs per person per year. Similarly, 11 kg per person per year Against the demand of meat, only 1.8 kg The availability of poultry meat per person is available. In this way, to meet the domestic demand, there is a need to make four times the production of eggs and six times in the production of meat. If we look at account of India's share in the export market along with domestic demand, there is a widespread difference in the production of poultry products in the country. There has been a sharp increase in demand for poultry products due to changes in growth in livestock, changes in eating habits, increasing urbanization, increase awareness towards per capita income, increasing size of youth population, etc. In the current market scenario, poultry products are the cheapest product of animal biology value protein.

India is the world's largest producer of egg after China and the United States, and it is the world's fifth largest chicken producing country after USA, China, Brazil and Mexico. Unemployment in India has also been substantially reduced by marginalization. In the absence of financial condition, poultry business can be started by taking loans from the bank and in many schemes, the government also provides subsidy on loans taken from the bank. Overall, through this business, hard work and perseverance can be reached from cipher to peak.

What is poultry business?

The occupation of chicken and duck for the availability of meat and eggs is called poultry. The growing demand for food grains has made this business a success.

Educational qualification for poultry business:

Educational qualification is not mandatory to come into this business. Still, it is important to have knowledge of animal science and biology. Those who are graduates of veterinary science, they can choose poultry farming as a business.

Personal skills needed for poultry business:

It is compulsory to have some skills in the business of poultry farm. Some of them are the following:

Knowledge of poultry, which includes the care of chickens.

Knowledge of taking care of the health of chickens

Information about how to protect the chickens from disease.

Poultry practitioner must be diligent.
Knowledge of the maintenance of the surrounding area of ​​poultry farm is known.
The practitioner of this area needs to be healthy. He should not have asthma and other respiratory illness.

Some important suggestions related to successful profitable and poultry

Animal husbandry biologists believe that if poultry is planned in a planned manner, then more income can be made in lower expenditure. Just need to focus on technical things. Due to occasional negligence, people associated with this business have to suffer heavy losses. Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to the size and bio accuracy of broiler form in poultry.

According to animal husbandry biologists, the chickens die only when carelessness is maintained in their maintenance. In poultry we should take care of some technical things. When making a broiler form, for example, note that it is far away from the main road outside the village or the city, there is sufficient water and electricity system. Make the form always at the height position so that there is no water congestion. Two poultry farms are not close to each other. The length of the form is from east to west. The height in the middle is 12 feet and the side has 8 feet. The width should be at maximum 25 feet and the shade difference should be at least 20 feet. The floor should be firm Apart from this, the rules of biological protection should also be followed. Always have a breed chick in a shed. Follow the All-In-All Out method. Focus on cleanliness of sheds and utensils. The entry of outsiders should be barred. Do not allow dog, rat, squirrel, native chicken etc to enter the shed. Burn dead chickens, vacuum empty bottles of vaccine, from time to time, follow the spraying and immunization rules of the Virchalan Virkalin (outside the shed). Use the right drug on time. Use Aquacure Aquacure in drinking water.

Use the right and good company's chicken medicines, do not just use drug use, also see if its correct result is coming or not. It is very important to have the right quality chick, find out which is a good result in your area, buy a hatchery or company's chick. A good quality feed is also required. Following the rules of good company's medicine, feed, chicken and bio-security is very essential for a profitable poultry business.

Make the train from the cocktail away from the farm. The poultry shed requires 23 hours of light daily. One hour is kept dark. The motivation behind this is that in case of power cuts the chickens do not suffer from stress. In the beginning, from 10 to 15 days, using 40 to 60 watt bulbs in two square feet room, the chickens have the facility of receiving grain seeds. After this 15 light bulb light is enough.

Fodder can also be prepared by chicken dung:

Poultry feces are also used as manure, which increase the crop production. There are as many nutritious ingredients as 40 chickpea feces in a cow's dung.

Other business related to poultry business:

Poultry is not just a chicken and egg business. Now this business has become so advanced that young men and women have their career in this broiler, processing plant manager, research, education, business, consultant, manager, advertiser, product technologist, feeding technologist, quality control manager, hatchery manager, poultry watertarian, Can be made in the form of an agricultural engineer and generator.

There is no limit on income in poultry business. Income in this work area depends only on your hard work. How much is your business spread, your income will be in the same proportion. In the field of research and teaching, Rs. 40 to 50 thousand rupees per month can be earned. On the basis of experience and merit in private poultry farm, 20 thousand to 75 thousand thousand per month can be earned.

This growing demand of poultry products is expected to generate more than one crore jobs in different categories of poultry industry. Employment opportunities in cookery science have many opportunities for employment in poultry science. In this one person can opt for research, education, business, consultant, manager, breeder, advertiser, poultry house designer, production technologist, processing technologist, feeding technologist, technologist, poultry economist etc.

Apart from this, there are many opportunities that depend on the individual's special interest and eligibility. The first person to become a poultry expert and to acquire special employment is BVSC. And A.H. (Graduate in veterinary science and animal husbandry) have to be completed. BVSC And A.H. To study, the minimum qualification is 10 + 2 in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (PCB). After completing a bachelor's degree, a person should become an expert in poultry areas. SC (Master in Veterinary Science) and P.H. D. can do.

Post Graduate / PhD in Poultry Science List of universities / institutions operating courses:

1. Anand Agricultural University Anand, Gujarat

2. Assam Agricultural University, Khanpada

3. Indian Veterinary Research Institute / Central Bird Institute, Ijtanagar, Uttar Pradesh

4. J. Of Agricultural University Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh

5. Karnataka Veterinary & Animal Education University Bangalore and Bidar

6. Kerala Agricultural University Manuthi

7. Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Science University Nagpur, Akola, Mumbai and Parbhani

8. Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar

9. Sri Venkateswara Veterinary and Fisheries Tirupati and University of Hyderabad

10. Tamilnadu Veterinary & Animal Science Chennai and Namakhal University

11. U.P. Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Veterinary Science Mathura University and Gaou Research Rituals

12. Rajiv Gandhi Veterinary & Animal Sciences Puducherry College

However, in the Poultry Industry, for the normal type of employment, such as Farm Manager, Sales Manager, Input Manager, etc, for introduction of Career, BVSC And A.H. It is not mandatory to have a degree They can opt for the certification conducted by different institutions in the country for eligibility for various types of jobs in the poultry industry. Some institutes that run diploma / certificate and skill development training program in poultry science are as follows: -

Central Poultry Development Organization (CPDO), Mumbai, Bangalore, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh

1. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi

2. Central Bird Research Institute (CARI), Ijjantnagar-243122, U.P.

3. Poultry Diagnostic Research Center (PDRC), Pune

4. Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), Ijjantnagar-243122, Uttar Pradesh

5. National Institute of Open School

6. Krishnakant Handik State Open University

7. Annamalai University

8. Dr. B.V. Rao Poultry Management and Technology Institute (IPMT), Pune (M.A.) 412202

The above list is only indicative. Interested candidates can inquire about the institutions of their choice about various courses of poultry science. BVI Rao Poultry Management and Technology Institute, Pune runs the following courses in a regulatory form: -

1. Basic Commercial Poultry Management Course

2. Orientation / direction course for current farmers

3. Advanced courses for poultry farming on a large scale

4. Speed ​​Formulation and Feed Analysis Course for Feed Makers

5. Egg generating management courses for persons engaged in egg production

6. Incentive programs in poultry management for non-technical / financial persons

Different types of self-employment and other employment opportunities are available for those who choose poultry science as a career. As an assistant professor in the academic field according to his qualification and academic background, as a researcher and a scientist in the research organization, as experts in related topics in the departments of the Central and State Governments and as the manager of the poultry farm. Can get employment on Similarly, there are a large number of employment opportunities available for private poultry and related industries for poultry science graduates. Apart from this, consultancy and self-employment options related to poultry business can also be selected. Remuneration for Poultry Science Professionals is very attractive. In the central and state government, a person is Rs. 30000 to Rs. It can hope for a monthly salary of 40000 which depends on his qualifications. Salary in research and educational institutions is Rs. 40000 to Rs. Occurs between 50000.

This is all  about Poultry businesses

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